ANDRITZ Screening and Filtration Equipment

Customized In-Channel Screening
- Fits channels 20" to 100" wide
- Length is variable to suit site
- Low head loss
- High capture rate
- Low maintenance
- Stainless steel construction
Capacities up to 100MGD per screen
- Industrial + Municipal Wastewater
- Tanneries
- Pulp + Paper
- Dairies
- Textiles
- Slaughter Houses
Standard Screen Range "TO 1/2"

In-Channel Spiral Screen
- Fits channels 12' to 36" wide
- Length varies with application
- Screens, conveys and compacts
- Low capital cost
- Screenings washing available
- Optional weather-proofing package
- Bagging attachments available
- Stainless steel construction
Capacities from 100 - 7,000 GPM on a single screen.
- Industrial + Municipal Wastewater
- Tanneries
- Pulp + Paper
- Dairies
- Textiles
- Slaughter Houses
Standard Screen Range from 0.010" - 0.400".
In-Channel Rotary Screen.
- Gravity Fed
- Low head loss
- Higher capacity than conventional in-channel screens
- Integral drainer screw press
- Drier solids discharge
- Internal and external showers
- Self-cleaning screen
- Higher solids recovery: 85% vs. rake bar at 40%-45%
- Rugged puncture proof screen
Capacities up to 100 MGD per screen.
- Raw Municipal Sewage
- Slaughter Houses
- Fruit + Vegetable processing
- Poultry, Fish + Seafood processing
- Industrial Wastewater
- Pulp + Paper
Standard Screen Range from 0.010" to 0.250".

Static Screen.
- Gravity fed
- Patented Marvel® non-binding design (three-slop screen design)
- Low capital cost
- No spare parts
- No moving parts or motor
- Single units or modular construction
Capacities from 5 - 1,600 GPM on a single screen.
- Raw Municipal Sewage
- Stock thickening
- Vegetable processing
- Cleaner rejects
- Log Flume/Bark removal
- Poultry processing
- Industrial Wastewater
- Pulp + Paper Wastewater
- Sludge screening
- Primary clarifier underflow
- Brewery + Distillery
- Tanneries

Internally-fed Rotary Screen.
- Gravity fed
- Higher Solids recovery
- Self-cleaning screen
- Drier solids discharge than static screens
- Internal and external showers
- Low power consumption: 0.5 HP to 3.0 HP
Capacities from 5 - 16,000 GPM on a single screen.
- Municipal, Industrial and Pulp + Paper Wasterwater
- Stock thickening
- cleaner rejects
- Slaughter houses
- Fruit + Vegetable processing
- Fish and Seafood
- Fiber recovery
- Log Flume/Bark removal
- Tanneries
- Poultry
- Textiles
Standard Screen Range from 0.010" - 0.120".
Pressurized Static Screen.
- Precision welded wedge wire screen
- Low pressure: 10 PSI - 40 PSI
- Low capital cost
- Stainless steel construction
- No moving parts or motor
- Single units or modular construction
Capacities from 50 - 400 GPM on a single screen.
- Industrial Wastewater
- Pulp + Paper
- Fruit + Vegetable processing
- Textiles
- Poultry, Fish + Seafood processing
- Plastic Fines recovery
Continuously-cleaning Backwash Filter.
- No backwash pumps/tanks
- Continuous cleaning
- No moving parts
- Upflow - deepsbed design
- Filtrate isolation from sand cleaning
Capacities from 14 - 384 GPM on a single screen.
- Tertiary filtration
- Biofiltration
- Potable water filtration
- Water reclamation
- Metal finishing
- Chemical processing
- Phosphorous removal
- Algae removal
- Membrane filter pretreatment
- Groundwater remediation
- Mill scale removal
- Cooling towers
Spiral Screen/Septage.
- Flanged inlet and outlet
- Screens, conveys and compacts
- Optional screenings washing
- Standard compaction zone washing
- Stainless steel construction
- Low capital cost
Capacities up to 10 GPM per screen.
- Municipal, Industrial and Pulp + Paper Wastewater
- Stock thickening
- Fiber recovery
- Log Flume/Bark removal
- Tanneries
- Fruit + Vegetable processing
- Poultry
- Fish + Seafood
- Textiles
Standard Screen Range from 0.010" - 0.400".